Keiski, Sirkka: Lover man


2008 Keiski Music

Sirkka Keiski: Lover man

Cover photo: Esko Toivari ; design: Timo Vesara.

1.We’ll be together again (Carl Fischer)
2.Lover man (Jimmy Davis, Roger Ramirez, Jimmy Sherman)
3.Ruby, my dear (Thelonious Monk)
4.The days of wine and roses (Henry Mancini)
5.All night long (Curtis Lewis)
6.Love for sale (Cole Porter)
7.The man I love (George Gershwin)
8.Monkery’s the blues (Thelonious Monk)
9.The lady is a tramp (Richard Rodgers)
10.You don’t know what love is (Gene Paul, Don Raye)
11.Round midnight (Thelonious Monk, Cootie Williams)
12.Autumn leaves (Joseph Kosma)

Sirkka Keiski (voc), Sven Nygård (cond, ts), Tuomas Kauppi (p), Pekka Sarmanto (b), Jussi Turhala (dr)

+ 12: Kirmo Lintinen (p)
+ 12: Markus Ketola (dr)
+ 2, 4, 6, 10: Raimo Näätänen (tb)
+ 1, 5, 9, 11: Pekka Leander (tb)

Studio: Studio Sound Team Godzinsky, Kirkkonummi
Recording engineer: Robi de Godzinsky
Assistants: Sandra Mahlamäki, Johannes Ylipää