Sid Hillen levynjulkaisu Pitskun Kulttuurikirkossa

Sid Hille

Sid Hille

Sid Hille uusin työ ’ONE – soundscapes by Sid Hille’ (SatnaMusic LP111) julkaistaan 13.4.2011. Ainakin toistaiseksi levystä tehdään vain vinyyliversio. LP-levyllä on kaksi n. 18 minuutin mittaista improvisoitua ”äänivirtaa”, joilla Sid Hille soittaa itse kaikki instrumentit. Soittimien joukossa ovat mm. piano, Rhodes, melodika, kantele, theremin, ukulele, lyömäsoittimia sekä sähköhärveleitä kuten iPod Nanostudio.

Kantaesitys ja samalla levynjulkaisukonsertti 13.4. klo 19 Pitskun Kulttuurikirkko, Henrikintie 25 A, Pitäjänmäki, Helsinki. Liput 10/7 e.

Jokaisen levyn takana on tarina. Sid Hille kertoo One-levyn taustoista seuraavasti:

– After two orchestral recordings in 2009 (DiSiSiD – Sid Hille Jazz Orchestra, Time Freeze – Hille/Dunkel, string orchestra) which were performed on the basis of large scores, I got attracted to the idea of making a very intimate and personal all-improvised recording, on which I would play all instruments by myself. Another point of departure was the idea to create a continuos soundscape with the ‘highest possible fidelity’ in sound, HiFi.

– When I visited my brother in Australia last year we spent three days sitting and talking in his living room, getting up every 20 minutes to turn or change the record on the turntable. I was gripped by this ritual of forgotten times: wiping the record, putting on the needle, listen to the whole 20 minutes and then repeat the procedure after turning over the record. Then choose the next sound world. It became clear that my next release had to be on vinyl.