Innanen, Pesonen ja Kallio aloittelevat

Mikko Innanen, Markus Pesonen ja Mika Kallio CD-formaatissa.
Mikko Innanen, Markus Pesonen ja Mika Kallio CD-formaatissa.
Mikko Innanen, Markus Pesonen ja Mika Kallio CD-formaatissa.

Trio Mikko Innanen, Markus Pesonen ja Mika Kallio julkaisee ”Beginnings” levyn kahdella konsertilla Helsingissä, tarkemmin sanottuna Digeliuksessa 5.11. klo 19 ja Juttutuvan Rytmihäiriö-klubilla 6.11. klo 21.

Levy-yhtiö on tanskalainen Barefoot Records, joten infopakettikin tulee tässä englanniksi:


The record is made during an improvised session, where the three Finns are on a journey to find distinct songs and stories. Determined but open, songful but abstract, melancholic but playful — the music, alternating between and blending seemingly opposite qualities, has a vibe of the Finnish character.

Markus Pesonen, Mikko Innanen and Mika Kallio played their first concert as a trio in the autumn of 2012 in Helsinki. Innanen and Kallio have in fact played together as a duo and in various ensembles (Nuijamiehet, Gourmet, Mr. Fonebone, TUMO) since 1996 when they met at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. Innanen met Pesonen in Copenhagen sometime in the mid-00’s after playing a concert with Delirium, a group Innanen co-founded in 1998 while being an exchange student at Copenhagen’s Rhythmic Music Conservatory. Pesonen, a Rhythmic Music Conservatory graduate, is a few years younger than his fellow Finns. Their first meeting with Kallio was actually that of a teacher and a very promising student at the Savonia music school in Kuopio. They share a common background, both originating from Kuopio in Finland’s Savo region.

That’s the beginnings. The present is now as sounds in your ears. The future is in the making.

Line-up: Mikko Innanen – alto & baritone saxophones Markus Pesonen – guitar Mika Kallio – drums

Band website: